Metro West uses an integrated pest management program. In established lawns, weed control will be maintained with selective spraying to reduce turf stress. Granular fertilizers feed your turf slowly, maintaining a beautiful green color. Approximate schedule:
Gold Level Program
- 1: Early Spring: Slow release fertilizer with crabgrass and broadleaf weed preventer providing energy and nutrients to the lawn and pre-emergent herbicide to prevent summer weeds.
- 2: Late Spring: Second application of slow release fertilizer with crabgrass and broadleaf weed preventer providing nutrition and crabgrass control throughout the season. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 3: Mid Summer: Slow release fertilizer providing energy to the lawn and prepares for tough summer stresses. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 4: Mid Summer: Insecticide application to prevent grub worms from feeding on plant roots causing turf to brown out in mid to late summer (this application is done at the same time as round 3)
- 5: Late Summer: Organic nutrition to help turf get through tough summer stress and build soil for long term plant health; Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 6: Late Summer: Highly available lime material is applied both for plant nutrition and to condition soil for long term plant health. (this application is applied at the same time as round 5)
- 7: Mid to Late Fall: Winterization fertilizer to provide lawn nutrition throughout the winter and provide optimum root growth. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- Nutsedge Application: A herbicide can be applied to control Nutsedge on an as needed basis for an additional charge
Platinum Level Program
- 1: Early Spring: Slow release fertilizer with crabgrass and broadleaf weed preventer providing energy and nutrients to the lawn and pre-emergent herbicide to prevent summer weeds.
- 2: Late Spring: Second application of slow release fertilizer with crabgrass and broadleaf weed preventer providing nutrition and crabgrass control throughout the season. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 3: Mid Summer: Slow release fertilizer providing energy to the lawn and prepares for tough summer stresses. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 4: Mid Summer: : Insecticide application to prevent grub worms from feeding on plant roots causing turf to brown out in mid to late summer (this application is done at the same time as round 3)
- 5: Late Summer: Organic nutrition fortified with iron and biological components to provide additional color and help the turf get through tough summer stress; Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 6: Late Summer: Nutsedge and Crabgrass kill as needed. (this application is done at the same time as round 5)
- 7: Early Fall: Organic fertility to provide energy and nutrition for lawn to recover from summer stresses and to help optional seed grow in quickly; Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
- 8: Mid to Late Fall: Winterization fertilizer to provide lawn nutrition throughout the winter and provide optimum root growth. Dandelion/Clover kill as needed.
Nutsedge Application: Included in Platinum Level program
Fungicide Application: Fungicide treatment will only be used when conditions favor the development of diseases. Two applications will be scheduled to control the fungus. This is on an as needed basis and is at an additional charge.
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